Big Changes Are Coming to the ACT: Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you ready for the biggest update to the ACT in years? Starting in April 2025, major changes are coming to make the ACT shorter, more flexible, and a whole lot less stressful. Here’s everything you need to know about the new ACT format and how it can help you stand out from the crowd. […]

Should your teen apply to an Honors College?

I asked a college sophomore in the Honors College at Duquesne University, and her response was: “Absolutely! You get priority scheduling, better class selection, and usually nicer dorms.” So, if your teen is a high achiever and is looking at schools with an Honors College, he or she should definitely consider applying. Academic benefits can […]

Top Five SAT/ACT Questions Parents Ask Me…

Are you the parent of a high school sophomore or junior? Are you starting to think about college? One important component for most schools is the SAT and ACT score, and you aren’t alone if you have questions. I receive constant calls from parents asking: Which is better, the SAT or the ACT? Since 2008, […]

College athletics and the SAT/ACT: Get ready!

“I’m a top athlete… I don’t need to be concerned about my ACT/SAT score, right?” While being a competitive athlete in a DI or DII collegiate sport can help you with college admissions, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the SAT or ACT. In January 2023, NCAA Divisions I and II adopted legislation to remove […]

Superscoring: What you need to know!

Is your teen currently preparing for the SAT or ACT and wondering how colleges will consider all their scores? They are not alone! One question we are often asked by both parents and students is about superscoring. Superscoring is the process in which colleges will only consider a student’s highest section scores from each SAT […]

Summer Reading can improve your Test Scores

Summer reading – just these 2 words alone can cause feelings of enormous dread for many students! Though you may shudder at the thought of reading during your time off, it may surprise you to learn that summer reading can have many benefits for improving your SAT and/or ACT score. If you’ve been preparing at […]