Big Changes Are Coming to the ACT: Here’s What You Need to Know

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Are you ready for the biggest update to the ACT in years? Starting in April 2025, major changes are coming to make the ACT shorter, more flexible, and a whole lot less stressful. Here’s everything you need to know about the new ACT format and how it can help you stand out from the crowd.

Say Goodbye to Test Fatigue—The ACT is Getting Shorter

No more sitting through endless hours of questions! The core ACT will now be just two hours long—down from the previous three. That means less stress, less fatigue, and more focus. With shorter reading and English passages, and 44 fewer questions overall, you’ll have more time to think through each answer and show your best work.

Optional Science Section—Flexibility is Key

Love science? The ACT still has you covered. Not a fan? No worries. The science section will now be optional, just like the writing section. That means you can tailor the ACT to fit your strengths. You can take the core ACT (with English, reading, and math), or add the science and writing sections to showcase your skills. The choice is all yours.

For those who take the science section, you’ll get a standalone science score and a combined STEM score that merges your math and science performance. It’s a great way to let colleges see just how awesome you are in the subjects you love most!

Faster Results, Lower Costs, and Digital Options—ACT is Leveling Up

Who likes waiting weeks to get their scores? No one! With the new ACT format, you can expect faster results—meaning you’ll have your scores in hand sooner so you can plan your next steps with confidence. And here’s another win: the cost of the exam is going down too. More accessible and affordable? Yes, please.

Plus, the ACT is following in the footsteps of the SAT and going digital. Starting in 2025, you can take the ACT online, making it even easier for students who are used to digital learning tools. If you still love that pencil-and-paper feel, don’t worry—that option will stick around too.

Why the Changes? It’s All About You!

These changes aren’t just about making the test shorter—they’re about making it better for you. The new ACT is designed to fit your schedule, reduce stress, and help you focus on what you do best. By allowing students to pick and choose which sections to take, the ACT gives you the chance to show off your strengths and create a testing experience that works for you.

Why Prepping Still Matters

With all these changes, it’s easy to think the ACT might be getting easier. But remember, a great score can still be the key to standing out in the competitive college application process—especially with so many colleges going test-optional. That means preparation is more important than ever! Even if you’re not required to take the ACT, a stellar score can boost your chances of getting into your dream school or snagging that big scholarship.

At Test Preps, we’re here to help you tackle the enhanced ACT with confidence. Whether you’re interested in the core exam, the science add-on, or all the options, we have the tools, strategies, and support you need to succeed. Ready to learn more about the ACT changes and how we can help you crush it? Contact Test Preps today, and let’s get started on the path to your best score yet!

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